7 Ways Raw Cat Food Has Transformed My Cats’ Health - Cat Tips

7 Ways Raw Cat Food Has Transformed My Cats’ Health in 6 Months

My three felines have been eating a crude eating routine for close to a half year. In this short measure of time, I have seen a few enormous changes with their wellbeing and prosperity!

1. Milder, thicker fur.

This is particularly perceptible in my feline, Doja. At the point when I previously took him in, his fur was slight and generally coarse to the touch. Today, his fur (alongside my felines Ellie and Nia) is thick, and exceptionally delicate.

2. Not any more urinary parcel inconvenience!

Both Ellie Mae, and Doja were experiencing repeating urinary parcel diseases. They made want more, even with anti-toxins, and veterinary counsel. The two of them were continually encountering agony, and distress. They would visit the litter box ceaselessly, and strain briefly or something like that, just for a couple of streams to emerge. Poor Doja even had blood. These issues have totally vanished since they begun eating crude feline food! They disappeared inside a couple of days, and have not returned since!

3.More Energy

Ellie and Nia both have a considerable amount more energy, particularly Nia. I didn't actually believe them to be lazy until I changed them to crude feline food. It was really at that time that I understood the energy potential. They are more ready, dynamic, and energetic. (Doja is barely a year, so his energy level was so high in the first place that it makes it hard to discern whether there is a distinction around here.)

4. They are hydrated.

In the wild, felines get by far most of their hydration from eating entire prey. For this reason felines don't will generally hydrate. Taking care of dry food makes felines become constantly got dried out. (In the event that you have hardly any familiarity with felines' hydration needs, this is a decent article to look at: How Much Water Does a Grown-up Feline Have to Drink?)

The indication that my felines are presently hydrated is the way that their pee doesn't possess a scent like straight smelling salts any longer. It's likewise presently not dull yellow, and they go more than they at any point have. (Parchedness can cause kidney issues, struvite gems, and UTIs. It likewise adds to numerous other medical problems.)

5. When they use the litter box, it doesn’t smell at all!

I know this isn’t something people generally like to think about. But we are forced to think about it every time our cat steps into the litter box to poop, and the smell wafts around the house. Now, I don’t have that reminder! Seriously, it kind of blows my mind. Even in enclosed rooms with a litter box in it, I can’t smell it. It’s pretty great.

Why Raw Cat Food?

image depicting ingredients in raw cat food

6. No more vomiting

Ellie used to vomit fairly regularly. Not super often, but often enough. She has vomited from certain foods, and she has vomited up yellow foam. There is no vomit anymore!

7. Almost no hairballs!

Ellie is a long-haired cat. She has always had super nasty, smelly, huge hairballs. This is another unpleasant occurrence that’s now a thing of the past! Since she’s been eating raw food, she has had one hairball. I didn’t even realize that’s what it was until I was cleaning it, because it was such a tiny amount of hair. Nothing even close to what she used to get. Nia and Doja haven’t had any hairballs whatsoever.


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