Best dog for guard:25 Best Guard Dog Breeds For Your Family-best dog for guard


25 Best Guard Dog Breeds For Your Family

Protecting your family and home is more important than ever. Recent findings show that the number of property crimes and home break-ins are alarmingly on the rise.

1) Fila Brasileiro (Brazilian Mastiff)

Brazilian Mastiff Guard Dog

These canines are however faithful as they may be enormous. As per reproducers, "You don't help this canine to safeguard you; it does it all alone." Filas foster solid bonds with their proprietors, however they will generally stay careful about outsiders all through their lives.

Be encouraged: this isn't a variety for the fledgling canine proprietor. Filas need major areas of strength for a, proprietor who have some control over them. In the event that your family has insight with canines, and is searching for a dependable and defensive gatekeeper canine, think about a Fila.

In the event that you're hoping to get a mastiff yet doesn't know which one, there are many varieties — among them the Bull, Tibetan, Anatolian, an English Mastiffs — that likewise make for extraordinary guard dogs.

2) Great Dane

Great Dane

The Incomparable Dane is actually the best case scenario with regards to monitor canines. They might seem to be horrendous assault creatures, however in all actuality they are the gentlest of goliaths. The Incomparable Dane is cherishing, sluggish, and, surprisingly, a piece languid. In spite of its monstrous size, Creature Planet really suggests this variety as an extraordinary gatekeeper canine for lofts since they don't require a lot of active work. In reality, the Incomparable Dane is probably not going to at any point go after anybody, so you don't have to stress over its disposition around companions or family. In the event that you're going rigorously for a denying look and don't have any desire to stress over your canine gnawing somebody, then the Incomparable Dane is the best variety for you.

3) Akita

Akita Guard Dog

Akitas are a large breed with strong protective instincts. The Akita’s temperament is a special combination of loyalty, alertness, and familial devotion—the perfect recipe for a guard dog. Although some countries have labeled this breed as a “dangerous dog,” the Akita can be trained to be accepting of non-threatening strangers. Many argue that these dogs are highly intuitive and can recognize who is a threat, and who isn’t. Breeders warn that Akitas are highly intelligent and fiercely independent, which means they need a firm leader who can stay in control.

4) German Shepherd

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is a confident, fearless breed that lives to please its owner. Unlike the Fila or Akita, German Shepherds don’t possess that rebel streak that can make them unpredictable. These are the some of the best guard dogs for a family with children, as they form strong bonds with humans. This breed has a calm, cool, and collected temperament. German Shepherds are the go-to dog for K-9 police units and military operations. If you’re looking for a faithful guardian that has equal parts love and loyalty, then the German Shepherd is the one for you.

5) Caucasian Shepherd

Caucasian Shepherd

Otherwise know as the Caucasian Ovcharka, this shepherd breed is enormous, furry, and strong. The intimidation factor alone is enough to scare away anyone with an arrest record. These dogs were historically used to guard livestock, protect properties, and kill predatory animals like wolves and bears. Yes, bears. So they can probably handle a 25-year-old punk trying to break into your house.

Used as border patrol dogs to monitor West Germany’s side of the Berlin Wall, the Caucasian Shepherd is very territorial and can be aggressive. If you own other dogs, or have a lot of different people coming in and out of your house, then you may want a more mild pup. But if you’re looking for a no-nonsense guard dog that will be nice to you—and you alone—consider the Ovcharka.

6) Boxer


The Boxer has a stalwart appearance that would make any intruder wary of testing its strength; but around friendly companions, it’s just a big, affectionate softie. Originally from Germany, the Boxer is a loyal, alert, and intelligent breed that’s also easy to train and suitable for families with children. Because the Boxer is also a gentle companion that loves to be around people, it currently ranks as one of America’s most popular dogs.

7) Rhodesian Ridgeback

Even if this breed’s only defense tactic was to lick an attacker to death, it would be intimidating at first glance. The Ridgeback is a strong and statuesque dog bred by South African farmers to hunt lion and strong prey. Their short coats require very little grooming, but they certainly need lots of exercise. While the Ridgeback isn’t naturally obedient, these dogs love to cuddle; so keep your Ridgeback properly trained and active, and you’ll have a guard dog and a snuggle buddy.

8) Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

The “Swissy” is one of four types of Sennenhund, a breed from the Swiss Alps that also includes the the Bernese Mountain Dog. These dogs have a very strong pack instinct, so they're very protective of their families and get distressed when left alone for long periods of time. Since it’s a working dog that needs a job to do, it makes a great companion for your family’s hiking or backpacking trips. Unless you’re living in the chilly climate, like the Swiss Alps, though, be careful not to overwork this dog in warmer environments; its large size and thick coat prevents it from doing high-intensity exercise at warm temperatures.

Training and grooming this dog requires diligence, as the Swissy takes awhile to be house trained, and its thick coat needs to be brushed once or twice a week.

9) Komondor


Sure, this dog may look like a giant, moving mop, and that it wouldn’t even see a trespasser through its tufts of matted hair, but the Komondor has been a Hungarian working dog for 10 centuries. Its coat of heavy white cords, which forms naturally as it develops, actually serves three purposes: to protect vulnerable body parts from attack, to keep warm in extreme weather conditions, and to help it blend in with the flock its charged with watching. The Komondor is generally reserved around strangers, but it is very loving toward its family and familiar companions. So long as you’re willing to put in the time to train, exercise and groom this dog, you’ll have a faithful guardian of the family home.

10) Norwegian Elkhound

Norwegian Elkhound

The Norwegian Elkhound has been bred in Norway since the 11th Century. Though it has a medium build, it’s very energetic, hearty and strong-willed (it was, after all, the watchdog of the Vikings). The Norwegian Elkhound was bred to hunt elk, bear, moose, and other wild animals, as well as to guard Viking settlements. The breed is very people-oriented, but its high stamina and hunting instincts means it’s suited for an active family.

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11) Bulgarian Shepherd Dog

Bulgarian Shepherd Dog

Also known as the Karakachan and the Thracian Mollos, this breed comes from Bulgaria and guards mountain livestock of Balkan Greek nomadic shepherds. While it was used as a border patrol dog for the Bulgarian army, it’s now a popular guard dog breed in both Bulgaria and the U.S. The Karakachan is very vigilant and rarely expresses aggressiveness, and it bonds tightly with its family. This dog needs room to roam, so it’s best suited for a more rural environment, or for a family that can take it to nearby parks or on long walks.

Plus, if it’s tough enough to meet Vladimir Putin's high standards, it’ll stand up to your expectations as a strong, vigilant (and cuddly) guard dog.

12) Giant Schnauzer

Giant Schnauzer

This high-energy breed has a mind of its own; unless you train it well, it will take over. Giant Schnauzers are strong, powerful, and intimidating, and they require constant mental and physical stimulation. They also need constant attention and companionship, so they’re fun and exceptionally loyal dogs.

13) Great Pyrenees

Great Pyrenees

Also known as the Pyrenean Mountain Dog, this adorable and fluffy breed is a very obedient family devotee, and a very vigilant guardian of its domain. Bred to protect sheep from bears and wolves, it was also used during World War II to haul artillery over the Pyrenees Mountains (between Spain and France).

The Pyrenean Shepherd Dog is strong-willed and fearless, but its general temperament is also very serene and tolerant.

If you’re looking for an intimidating dog that’s also great with kids, the Pyrenees is well-suited for you and your family.

14) Central Asian Shepherd Dog

Central Asian Shepherd Dog

This breed bonds first with its human caretaker, and then to its possessions. Described as “a cat in dog’s clothing,” it’s large in size but very agile. Because of its size, strong territorial instincts, and need to obey a respectful, thoughtful trainer, you must be prepared as its owner to adhere to a strict training regime. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog works best doing slow and steady exercise throughout the day.

15) Belgian Tervuren

Belgian Tervuren

Because its thick coat can withstand cold climates, the Belgian Tervuren is a great dog if you live in a place with extreme seasonal changes. Since this dog was bred as a herding dog and protector of rural farmsteads in Belgium, it doesn’t display fear or shyness, and stands its ground with confidence. The Tervuren is observant and vigilant, but not as apprehensive as other breeds. If you’re looking for a faithful companion AND an affectionate attention-seeker, consider the Tervuren.

16) Cane Corso Italiano

Cane Corso Italiano

This breed from southern Italy has been developed as a boar hunter and guardian of the farm, and so its territorial instincts are unparalleled. The Cane Corso is intelligent and easy to train; and while it is definitely big-boned and powerful, it’s also very affectionate toward its owners. It bonds closely with children and family, and because it’s a light shedder, it’s easy to groom. As long as you can give it plenty of exercise, the Cane Corso is great for home security. Plus, in case you doubted its guardian instincts, the Cane Corco's name actually comes from the Latin word (“Cohors”) for “Protector.”

17) Bucovina Shepherd

Bucovina Shepherd

Raised to protect sheep from wild animals and thieves, this mountain dog was for centuries the companion of Romanian shepherds roaming the unforgiving climate of the Carpathian Mountains. Because of its even-keel temperament and ease with children, it has now been adapted as a suitable house dog for both rural and urban settings. Give the Bucovine Shepherd lots of space to run around, and it’ll do well with your family.

18) Beauceron

Over time the Beauceron has adapted to three major roles: a herding dog for cattle and sheep, a hunting dog for wild boar, and as a guard dog for the home and for law enforcement. Its self-assuredness and gentle nature made it useful as a messenger and mine detector for the French Army during World War II. Like other herding dogs, the Beauceron is happiest when given a task, so make sure you’ve got plenty of activity around the house to keep it busy. Though it’s not so well-known outside of France, this breed is favored as a loving, loyal family dog.

19) Boerboel

Considering the Boerboel was bred in South Africa for the purpose of protecting the homestead, you can imagine it’s used to scaring off large animals and holding down wounded game. Its appearance and name are intimidating enough (any pronunciation combining “boar” and “bull” conjures a threatening image), and it has a very fearless and confident demeanor that also requires an owner to give it ongoing positive training. Since the Boerboel needs lots of activity and a wide area to roam, (its name actually translates in Afrikaans to “farmer’s mastiff”), it’s ill-suited to the confines of urban life. Like other guard dogs, the Boerboel should be controlled around strangers, as its strong protective instincts could provoke aggression toward someone it doesn’t recognize.

20) Kuvasz

With origins that go back more than 2,000 years, the Kuvasz is one of the world’s oldest dog breeds. Seeing as the Kuvasz is a beautiful and regal-looking dog, it’s no surprise that its name comes from the Turkish word meaning “armed guard of the nobility.” But don’t be fooled by its the fluffy, seemingly docile appearance: originally bred to fend off predatory animals like the wolves and bears of western Asia, the Kuvasz is a very intimidating herd dog with a strong will and an extremely territorial nature. It is aloof but polite around strangers, and very affectionate with its family. So long as you stay on its good side, the Kuvasz will be a diehard protector of your family and home.

21) Rottweiler


If a Rottweiler hasn’t been properly trained, it could also make the list for most dangerous dog breeds. A dog that hasn’t been trained or socialized early will assert dominance and have the potential to be very aggressive and destructive. A socialized and well-trained Rottweiler, however, is alert, intimidating but steady, and very loving. It’s happiest when given a task, and its obedience and love for people make it a suitable service and therapy dog.

22) Doberman Pinscher


The Doberman Pinscher’s reputation precedes it as the ultimate guard dog. Its muscular stature allows for high endurance and speed, and a powerful attack when provoked by threatening strangers. Originally from Germany, the Dobie is very intelligent, determined, and obedient. Because of its high intelligence and training retention, it's in high demand as a police and war dog. The Doberman is a fearless and affectionate dog for an owner who’s willing to properly nurture and train it.

23) American Pit Bull Terrier

American Pit Bull Terrier

The Pit Bull certainly looks intimidating, and its sullied reputation as an aggressive dog does precede it as a threatening breed to encroaching strangers. Unfortunately Pit Bulls have a bad reputation, but unless they're brutalized and trained to fight, they aren't as dangerous as many people think they are. Though stubborn, the Pit Bull is a good-natured, affectionate pet with a strong desire to please its owners. While generally friendly, it has been bred as a fighting dog, so it will have natural aggressive tendencies toward threatening animals or strangers. If you’re willing to properly socialize and nurture this strong-headed and active dog, and not promote the development of its fighting instinct, you’ll have a lifelong family companion.

24) American Staffordshire Terrier

American Staffordshire Terrier

Don’t confuse this breed with American Pit Bull Terrier. Thought to be a mix of the Bulldog and game terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier is no doubt a tough dog with the athletic build and protective nature inherent in effective guard dogs.

While they are known to be great household pets and are dutiful protectors of the family, they need to be socialized and trained at an early age.

25) The Moscow Watchdog

Moscow Watchdog

After The Second Great War, raisers consolidated the Caucasian Shepherd (#5), for its watchfulness and forcefulness, with the Holy person Bernard, for its enormous size and delicate demeanor, to get a guard dog with a delicate nature and huge size. The Moscow Guard dog is monstrous and strong, yet all the same it's not ungainly. Since the Moscow Guard dog flourishes off customary activity, it's anything but a suggested breed for condo living.

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